Realising the UK’s potential: a study into public attitudes to solar
Solar energy is now one of the most cost-effective ways to get the UK to net-zero carbon emissions. Doing so will require the UK to triple its solar capacity by 2030.
Our latest research in partnership with Copper Consultancy focuses on attitudes towards large-scale ground-mount solar projects and their effect on the local communities and aims to understand better public sentiment towards solar power.
Public support for solar has always been strong, but for the first time, this research demonstrates that support for solar farms is vital not only amongst the wider public but crucially amongst those living closest to them. Further, it shows that this support increases over time.
More importantly, this research shows the importance of protecting the local environment, biodiversity, and natural capital, helping validate the UK solar industry’s work on this front for many years.
The findings of this research will help the industry and stakeholders understand how we can collaboratively deliver projects that benefit everyone and help the UK achieve its net-zero ambitions.
To access the press release, click here.