Solar Energy UK
30 January 2025
Solar energy expert Dr KT Tan has been elected to the board of Solar Energy UK.
A chartered engineer and Chief Technical Officer at Viridian Solar, Dr Tan has spent two decades working in the industry, specialising in new technologies, roof-integrated panels and mounting systems. As the General Manager of Viridian’s subsidiary Intrinsic Power, he is also involved in deploying commercial-scale solar power installations.
Dr Tan is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology, chairs the Solar PV Technical Working Group for standards body MCS and BSI’s GEL/82 Standards Policy and Strategy Committee for PV Systems, plus the Industrial Advisory Panel of the Centre for Doctoral Training in New and Sustainable PV – a body drawn from seven British universities.
“I’m honoured to be elected as a board member of SEUK. The PV industry, as ever, is at the forefront of the energy transition towards net zero targets. Along this unprecedented growth path, we are faced with various challenges from technologies, building regulations, policies, finance to public perception. I hope to offer a different perspective to the board based on my experience in rooftop PV, innovation, manufacturing and the supply chain – some of the key factors to achieving a successful outcome collectively,” he said.
Solar Energy UK Vice-President Christelle Barnes, Country Manager UK & Ireland at SolarEdge Technologies, was re-appointed to the board for another three-year term. Both Hannah Staab, Development Projects Director at Copenhagen Infrastructure Service Company and Guilia Guidi, Head of ESG at NextEnergy Group and one of the key architects of the Solar Stewardship Initiative, stood down.
“I thank all members of the board for giving up their time to support the industry as a whole,” said Chris Hewett, Chief Executive of Solar Energy UK.
“KT is deeply respected across the solar industry, with great technical knowledge. Being active with MCS and the Solar Stewardship Initiative, he is a superb addition to the board. Christelle has been Vice-Chair for a number of years and is another great asset to the Board, with deep knowledge of the supply chain and rooftop sector. I am very pleased that she has been re-elected. Congratulations to them both,” Hewett added.
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Editor’s notes:
For more information or to request an interview, please contact:
Gareth Simkins, Senior Communications Adviser