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Solar Energy UK statement on solar farms and land use


Solar Energy UK
Immediate release
19 August 2022 

“The candidates for PM continue to claim that solar farms are a threat to food security when the opposite is true. One of the biggest risks to food security is our changing climate. This is clear from recent reports on how this year’s drought is literally shrinking the potato crop. Solar farms address climate change and so help prevent this, and are frequently used to graze livestock at the same time.

Solar farms also generate local environmental benefits, supporting flora and fauna and increasing biodiversity. Solar farms occupy less land than golf courses do, and by providing a stable revenue stream can help to keep farming profitable. This directly helps sustain UK crop production.

Solar Energy UK supports ground mount and rooftop solar, both of which are helping to reduce the UK’s carbon emissions, displace the fossil fuels that are causing the energy price crisis, create jobs, and increase our energy security.

Solar Energy UK

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